Benefits & Features
- Successfully Forcible Attack Tested by BRE to SR1, 2 & 3 resisting an intensive attack test program in accordance with LPS1175: Issue 7.3.
Security Rating 1
– series of attacks lasting 1 minute
Security Rating 2
– series of attacks lasting 3 minutes
Security Rating 3
– series of attacks lasting 5 minutes - Cantilevered Gate; requires no ground track or support across the roadway.
- The gate leaf is supported by a main bottom beam, which slides 100mm above the road surface.
- The balance is provided by a unique enclosed runback track, which enables the gate to be fully projected across the roadway without tipping.
- Small ramp to secure gate leaves in closed position.
- Electronic control motor drive unit, 100% duty rated
Operating Speed
- Typical operating speeds of 200-250mm/second * depending on configuration
- Disengaging box – manual override
- 100/200mm LED Traffic Light System
- Can be interfaced to any access control systems
- Vehicle detector loops
- Safety photocell beams and ultra-sonic sensors
- Safety edges
- Safety Lasers
- Signage, audible alarms and flashing beacons
Civil Requirements
- Gate Leaf foundations (2 no. required) D: 500 - Dependent on size of gate leaves
- Locator Foundation L:800 E:500 D:300 (Note: Power and control wiring ducts to be incorporated into foundations)
- Run back= ((Aperture/2) x1.5) -178mm Note: Power and control wiring ducts to be incorporated
Electrical Requirements
- 6 amp, 3 wire, 230v, 50hz, single phase supply
Depending on configuration
This is subject to a risk assessment to ensure the automatic equipment complies to BS EN 12453